They've lost so many friends and family recently and the mom is just thankful she can still breastfeed her baby, though she is sick a lot from the water source closest to her home, which collects runoff that has passed over animal feces when it rains. She was going to get more water and he asked to go along. They trekked deep into the bush, far from most of the homes. Here's one of the places from which they get water:
Can you imagine this being the water you drink? The only water you have available to give your babies? The water you bathe with?
These people became very heavy on his heart. The Lord led George hours from home to hear these stories for a reason.
He knew he had to do something.
But what could he do?
He wants to bring clean water by drilling 2 boreholes. A borehole is a type of well that is drilled deep down into the water that is not accessible from the surface. By keeping the water in a closed system until it reaches the tap, the interaction of that water with surface pollutants is minimized. This type of well is the most reliable and secure source of clean water for people. We have drilled 2 in our village and we know firsthand the life they bring.
our village
We have an incredible drilling team so he confirmed a date they could return and in the mean time met with the community to sort details - where could we possibly drill and any land issues to work through, who will educate the people on sanitation, who will monitor the borehole on a daily basis, how will it be protected from animals, etc. The process is long on our end but once drilling is done and we leave, the community receiving the boreholes has to absolutely be fully engaged and empowered to take care of them.
Many meetings and weeks later, he returned with the drilling team. Word spread like wildfire and they picked up quite a long line of followers, eager to watch the process unfold of how clean water might be coming to their communities.
The hydrogeologist tested each possible site and found the most perfect ones.
While George waited for the drilling team to finish up evaluating, he heard countless stories from the people about how this could change their lives. They don't really know because they've never had clean water.
But they're full of hope.
Can you help us raise $14,000 for George's birthday?
This will cover materials (cement, pipes, pumps, construction supplies), pay our local staff (drillers, welders, well techs and hydrogeologist) and mobilization (fuel, vehicles, internet).
His birthday is in 2 weeks but we can start drilling as soon as the money comes in for the 1st borehole! The team is on standby! The sooner these boreholes are drilled, the sooner these people have access to clean water and the sooner their lives will change!
You can also mail us a check and we will receive 100% of your donation! Please let us know it's on the way so we can keep that in mind when sharing the daily updated total.
Ekubo Ministries
PO Box 2156
Alexander City, AL 35011
Ekubo Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization which means your donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
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